HiFi Surround Sound Speakers

Enhance your home audio experience with surround sound speakers.

I’ve seen after several years installing audio systems that the majority of people watch television without any “surround sound system.”

Surround Sound For Audiophiles

Most TV manufacturers design TVs with low-quality built-in speakers because audio fidelity is not what they are trying to sell.

But the truth is:

If you are an audiophile and appreciate “excellent quality sound,” a relatively inexpensive outlay can have a massive impact on your home theater experience.

2 Channels HiFi System

One of the simplest and often, most affordable options would be to use two tower speakers.

However, this isn’t a surround sound system by definition, but the two channels blasted through two high-quality speakers make a huge difference!.

But here is the deal:

“There are audio frequencies your brain can’t hear from standard TV speakers,” and those audio frequencies will fill the room.

And that’s the case if a wall mount is used to mount the TV in the media room.

Which, by the way, will add plenty of good quality audio which in return will add to the cinema feel.

Many people achieve this by merely sending the sound through their Hi-Fi home audio system.

But you can also buy a separate AV receiver and two good quality speakers.

Affordable & Better Results

In this case, you can spend your budget on two decent quality tower speakers such as Martin Logan or Monitor Audio rather than spreading it over several lower quality speakers and generally get an unfortunate result.

You may want to add in a separate sub-woofer for the low audio channels.

Just remember.

Each Hi-Fi speaker already has a decent ability to cope with this job since its design comes with “these capabilities.”

(Note: The advantage of this system is that you won’t need to have wires running to the back of the room).

And even better, you won’t have speakers behind you of course.

But you will have powerful and good quality sound coming at you from the front speakers and bouncing off all the walls to fill the room.

Don’t spend too much of your budget on an audio receiver.

Instead, try to allocate most of it to the speakers as this is where you will notice the difference.

The post HiFi Surround Sound Speakers appeared first on Multimedia Tech.

Savant Remote Video

Why Savant?

Howdy Multimedia Tech fans! This video features the new Savant remote, a Savant product.

Savant Remote Video

Voice Control With Siri

Apple’s Siri Integration this remote makes everything easier.

Use Siri to control your Apple TV and extend the footprint of controllable devices through Apple’s HomeKit.

Home Control

The Savant Remote offers a user experience that’s second to none, with a customizable interface that puts the features you use most front and center.

Put the features you use most front and center with a flexible interface that lets each user customize their experience.

Music Control

Control the soundtrack to your life with easy access to your playlists, stations, and more.

Everything interconnected switching automatically between cables, connectors, and ports for you!

Simply put just a remote that operated everything perfectly.

All The Scenes

Capture, save and recall any combination of services and settings with a single tap, or set your Scene to activate on a schedule, all right from the Remote.

All The Rooms

Display custom room images, browse services by room or pin the remote’s homeroom to the main page.

Select all the rooms throughout your home, especially recommended in a media room with surround sound, a projection screen, a 4k projector, an AV receiver, and home theater seating

Advanced Features

With Savant IP Video Tiling, use the remote to switch services or select from preset Tiling layouts.

TrueImage And Lighting

Select color favorites and get visual lighting feedback in real-time with the award-winning TrueImage interface right on the Remote screen.

Beautiful Design

Elegantly tapered, with sleek contours, soft touchback, and buttons with easy reach.

The Savant remote is designed with perfect contours and sleek design.

Admire how this beautiful smart remote can automate your home lifestyle.

Up until now ease of use and intuitive control have only been available to the only high-end custom programmed system.

  • Compatible with over 400,000 devices.
  • Native Sonos compatibility.
  • Voice commands.
  • Multiple user profiles capabilities.
  • The Savant system functionality surpasses others at this price point.
  • No complicated programming or installation needed.
  • Communication over Bluetooth and WiFi for easy setup.
  • Curved high-resolution touch screen.
  • Easy switching between HDMI Cables

Use It With The Wireless Blaster

Control your devices in closed cabinets by syncing the wireless blaster that lets you reach cables boxes, receivers, and other devices outside the line of sight of your Savant Remote.

Works better With The Savant Host

The core intelligence of the Savant Platform is within the Savant Host.

Through the most sophisticated software in the industry, Savant Hosts are capable of managing the varied technologies within any smart home or property.

And here is the deal:

The systems scale with your needs. (“Add all the electric devices you need”).

Unquestionably Savant has always design products that are beautiful and this remote is no exception.

The post Savant Remote Video appeared first on Multimedia Tech.

15 Insanely Actionable Wireless Microphone Tips

Today you are going to learn 15 actionable wireless microphone tips plus seven bonuses.

In fact:

What to choose depends on the venue layout, the ceiling height, the furniture, the drapes, and even the carpet.

And in general, you also want to learn how to choose a wireless microphone based on its technical aspects.

So, let’s dive in:

1. What’s A “Wireless Microphone”

A “Wireless Microphone” is a handheld component the user uses to SPEAK.

It converts the sound waves into electrical signals which can then be processed and amplified so listeners can hear it.

A Wireless Microphone system consists of three main components:

A handheld microphone with a transmitter (TX) and a receiver (RX)

Here is how it works:

wireless microphone tips

When the speaker talks into the Microphone.

First, the transmitter converts the voice into a radio wave frequency and then transmits it through a channel.

Secondly, the receiver decodes the radio wave frequency coming from the transmitter and changes it back into an electric signal.

Finally, the receiver provides a line-level current that travels to an amplifier that subsequently will play it through a sound system.

(Note: the mic comes with a built-in transmitter in it)

But if you have a (“hands-free”) microphone like a lavaliere or headset then, the transmitter is usually a pack that clips to clothing.

2. When Do I Need A Microphone?

Here is the truth:

It all depends on the venue, that’s it!

need a mic

It also helps to know:

  • The square footage of the room
  • The type of furniture
  • Room layout
  • Carpeting or flooring type
  • Ceiling height
  • Sources of possible interfering noises

It’s all basic.

But, the reality says choosing wireless microphones can be confusing and at times, an art.

So, also consider all of the following elements before setting up your cordless microphone in the room.

3. What “Size Audience” Is The Limit?  

There is no magic number or a silver bullet.

You don’t need a wireless microphone if the “size audience” is 20 spectators and they are around you.

However, sometimes, you do need it for only 20 people if they are far away from you.

The fact is:

It’s always better to USE a microphone.

(“even if you aren’t sure is necessary”)

Like the old saying goes – It’s better safe than sorry.

Think for a moment, if you don’t need it, then you can turn it off.

Well, if you do “need it” and don’t have it, then it is TOO LATE.

size audience

4. Are Microphones Reliable?

A wireless microphone is a safer choice, plus it’s very convenient and reliable.

It is a fact:

  • Cheap corded microphones deliver low sound quality.
  • Wired microphones hide the AV cords.
  • Wireless microphones provide mobility

Also, remember, you may encounter a situation where a guest would like to share some crucial comments.

That’s the moment that you realize wireless technology is 100% reliable and makes our lives better.

Comfortably use your wireless microphones.

Make sure to connect it and rubbing against another surface is not an issue.

Look for the perfect place to hook it up, so the audio quality is best.

And don’t worry, wireless microphones DON’T FAIL.

5. Practice “Speaking and Holding”

Learn to transfer it from one hand to the other naturally.

It usually looks best to grip the wireless microphone with the whole hand and not with just the fingers.

Since the antenna is at the bottom of the microphone, hold it near the top.

Your hand can block the signal and make the mic cut in and out.

Relax, and remember:

“Speaking and Holding” it while moving around the room is the best.

6. Where is the On and Off Switch

Find out how the switch works.

on off switch

Be also aware that some microphones also have a standby switch.

With that said, I recommend to LEARN how to use the switches even with the lights out.

Here is where it gets interesting:

Start your talk with a fully charged battery and have a spare one handy.

Knowing how to replace it in case something unexpected happens is always a plus.

7. The “Live Test”

Have an assistant walk the room to check the volume setting.

The “live test” is useful since it allows you to look for feedback spots.

These feedback spots are usually:

audio feedback

Under and in front of speakers.

Avoid these areas during your talk.

8. Watch The Speakers On The Program Before You

Paying attention to this is especially essential since it provides excellent clues.

How well is their wireless microphone projecting their voice in the room?

watch the other public speakers

Is there something you could learn from how they use the microphone?

Are the speakers before you having mic problems?

These are questions that are good to remember before it is your turn using the mic.

9. When It’s Time For You To Be Onstage

You’ve already tested the cordless microphone.

Don’t tap on it. Don’t blow into it. Don’t say, “Is this thing on?” Or, “Can you hear me?”

Just start talking.

time to be onstage

Preparation loves destiny; it’ll be working just fine.

Don’t you know? You’ll soon find out.

Here is a good idea:

It’s a unique idea to have an assistant that can monitor the room and watch for things that aren’t right or can provide technical assistance in any circumstance.

10. Energize Your “Voice”

Here is how it works:

Speak the same as always but with energy.

Don’t speak into the microphone – talk past it.

Let the microphone overhear your conversation.

Speaking into the microphone often causes your Ps to “pop” in the speakers.

Adjust your “voice” and immediately, you’ll sound BETTER.

energetic voice

11. How To Handle “Questions” From The Audience

Want it or not, a member of the audience will have “questions” during your talk.

The critical factor to remember is to go back to the body position you were before the person talked.

For example:

audience questions

If you were sitting and then you started to ask questions, then you have to stand up.

Address the questions and then return to your sitting position.

That communicates through body language that the unnecessary questions need to stop, and the presentation has to continue.

There are occasions where the attendee asking a question may need a wireless microphone. Have one ready

On the other hand:

You can also encounter the situation where someone that also has a microphone tries to help to answer the questions for you.

It’s okay to include everyone since that adds value and more credibility.

(Note: that if you don’t want anyone interfering with your presentation, it’s better to make sure that all additional microphones are OFF)

12. Keep It In Front Of You At All Times

If you are using a fixed wireless mic, that is on a stand or attached to a podium.

And in case you’re going to look to the right while speaking.

Turn your head to the right; you need first to move your body to the left since figuratively there is an imaginary line to your mic.

In fact:

mic in front of you

Imagine there is a string between your nose and the microphone.

13. How To Adjust The Proper Height

Before your introduction to the audience, have someone stablish the proper microphone height:

Also, it helps to practice adjusting the body posture ahead of time.

(“be aware of the way you are looking while delivering your talk”).

Also, remember that some stands are fragile and can break when you are in front of your audience.

Once you start speaking: “Remove the wireless microphones from the stand and engage the audience by walking around the room.”

14. How To Adjust A “Gooseneck Attachment”

Here is the deal:

adjust mic attachment

Do it while talking.

That’s right!

The sound of your voice will help you by covering any squeaking noise resulting from the gooseneck.

We all know it a “gooseneck attachment” is an unexpected problem sometimes.

And nobody wants to be EMBARRASSED about dealing with it.

15. Just Practice!

Which leads me to finalize with the essential piece of advice: “Speaking with a wireless microphone needs to become a natural part of you.”


Practice makes perfection, and attention to small details gives you a competitive advantage.

And as promised here are the bonus tips:

Bonus Tip #1: You Can Practice At A Toastmasters Club

There is nothing better than having an audience of peers how can provide you great feedback about your presentations.

Toastmasters is where you can polish your skills and advance your experience handling a mic.


Additionally, professional working adults will provide all the possible challenges you’ll face when using a microphone in a real-life presentation.

Bonus Tip #2: Don’t Shout To Your Audience

Many public speakers use wireless microphones but don’t know how to select the appropriate type, and mistakenly think they don’t need a wireless microphone.

“I’m a REAL speaker. I don’t need a wireless microphone. I’ll shout my speech!”

Don’t make that MISTAKE.

The “microphone” is your friend and allows you greater flexibility in your vocal variety. 

And if you are delivering an important message, then a microphone is crucial.

Vocal variety adds spice to your words, and the audience needs to hear your punch-lines.

A microphone helps you meet both needs.

Bonus Tip #3: What To Wear

When you aren’t wearing the proper CLOTHING to accommodate a clip-on power pack can be an issue.

(Note: Some straps can be used to hold the power pack in place)

Bonus Tip #4: “Avoid Things And People”

Avoid hugging someone since they can unclip your power pack.

things to avoid

In other words, be aware of the things you are holding since they can disconnect the cords.

Bonus Tip #5: Don’t Wear It To The Bathroom Room

Well, this one I believe I don’t have to explain too much 🙂

turn off the mic

Just make sure to turn the microphone off when using the bathroom

… you don’t want to regret eating nachos and drinking beer for the rest of your life.

Bonus Tip #6: Look Like A Seasoned “Public Speaker”

Place the podium behind you, so it doesn’t stay between you and your audience.

And then as you are about to finalize your talk.

Move the stand back in front of you, and place the microphone where it was before you say your final words.

look like a pro

You’ll look like a “public speaker” trust me.

Bonus Tip # 7: Add “Audiovisual Enhancements”

Add “audiovisual enhancements” to your presentation to keep your audience engaged throughout your performance with your mic.

audiovisual enhancements

The best tip for your company presentation is to synchronize a work laptop with the projector installed in the conference room and show slides using a Business Google Drive Account.

These simple audiovisual enhancements may look simple but are always overlooked

Did I Miss Anything?

Now I’d like to hear from you:

Which concepts from today’s post are you going to try first?

Or maybe I forgot to include one of your tips.

Either way, let me know by leaving a comment below right now.

The post 15 Insanely Actionable Wireless Microphone Tips appeared first on Multimedia Tech.